
Cough, chronic cold and sinusitis, chronic otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma.

Asthma manifests as bronchial narrowing and type 1 allergy, which means that in response to a certain inhaled allergen, IgE antibodies are released and cause an acute reaction in the form of bronchial spasms, edema, and irregular breathing. Recent studies show that foods that the body cannot tolerate can trigger asthma attacks. But more often, their effects can be combined with classic inhaled allergens (pollen, dust, fur and animal epithelium, fungal spores, ticks, etc.).

If you have frequent colds or suffocation attacks, if you have bronchitis or asthma –  these conditions may be caused by a delayed type of allergy in addition to classic allergic reactions. Experience shows that in most cases, delayed allergic reactions are caused by food allergens and develop over the years, manifesting as inflammation of the bronchi, making bronchitis and asthma more severe. Hidden food allergens make attacks more frequent and severe, causing persistent inflammation in the bronchial walls. The effect of food intolerance on chronic diseases such as laryngitis, sinusitis and bronchial asthma is most obvious in children. Improper nutrition can often trigger asthma attacks, even if indicators of classic allergies cannot be monitored using skin tests or IgE tests. After eliminating foods that stimulate delayed reactions in the child’s diet, attacks and exacerbations cease in the first days.

Asthma has a tendency to gradually require more and more serious treatment, which means the use of higher and higher doses of bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory drugs and the use of increasingly stronger drugs containing hormones (prednisolone, adrenaline). Often, dusting, moving from one place to another during the blooming season, and leaving your pets are not activities that will make you and your children healthier. Based on our observations, the cause of abnormal reactions to respiratory irritants (inhalants) is an overload of your immune system due to previous hidden food intolerances. It is most effective and safest to deal with the cause – to eliminate not only inhaled allergens, but also delayed-type food allergens. It is not always possible to detect all allergens using traditional skin or IgE tests. The ROLE™ test helps to discover and eliminate the main and hidden causes of the disease.

Don’t delay, start the ROLE™ program today!

Chronic, often acute inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose and paranasal sinuses are in most cases of a hidden allergic nature. If your cold lasts more than 3 days, if it is accompanied by a thick and opaque discharge and is complicated by swelling of the sinuses and eardrum, then this means, in addition to infection and viral causes, an allergic cause, which complicates the process and supports a chronic disease. Swelling with increased mucus secretion, which causes small openings in the nasal cavity through which the sinuses drain,

(cavities located in the visceral skull, covered with mucous membrane), blockage, occurs as a result of an allergic reaction. Usually, eliminating the underlying allergic cause is enough to get rid of these problems forever. The infection no longer finds a favorable environment to develop.

ROLE™ helps you discover and eliminate the underlying cause—the foods you’re sensitive to—forever. With the help of the ROLE™ program, this became possible without drugs.

Do not let the situation move towards surgical intervention; your nasal drops will not eliminate the real cause of your illness.

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