If our patient is your child

If you are breastfeeding, the program is only necessary for the mother. If your child has been tested, it means that he already has his own food ration, even if he remains partially breastfed (in this case, the program is necessary for both mother and child after a year).
Children often come to us who suffer not only from allergies, but also from chronic diseases. They have excess weight, eczema, headaches, sinus infections, frequent abdominal pains, unstable stools, etc.
Generally, such children have a poor appetite and extreme pickiness. It seems as if they are protecting their immune system from overload by becoming psychologically addicted to the uncomfortable foods that have been offered to them. The goal of our program is to free children from such a burden. An individual nutrition plan helps normalize the intestinal microflora, excrement and skin condition, and improve metabolism, sleep, concentration and the general state of the nervous system. From now on, the child will no longer be sick so often and for a long time.
It is easiest to reshape the diet before the age of five, when the child is still completely under the control of the parents.
It is easiest to work with teenagers because they want to look good and be athletic.
Generally, children follow the recommendations well – it is typical for them to eat food separately. Parents are here only to help.
Your task is to remove unsuitable foods and, if possible, replace them with something else.
Get used to the idea that a child perceives tastes very differently compared to an adult, and what seems appetizing to us is often inedible to a child. On the other hand, some simple foods, which we think would need seasonings and additives, may not become annoying to the child for years, despite their boring appearance.
Try to forget the obligatory first, second and third gears. People have figured it out, not too long ago and not everywhere at all.
Don’t insist that the child necessarily eats bread with food.
It is very important to make sure that the grandparents agree with you. It is a good idea to invite them to the counseling as well.
A child’s actual food ration must contain enough of all components necessary for growth and development

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