
Overweight, obesity, hypertension, type II diabetes, thyroid deficiency, urinary tract stones, gout.

The literature on obesity and other metabolic abnormalities often emphasizes the genetic origin of these diseases. Indeed, statistics show that overweight parents are more likely to have overweight children. The same applies to diabetics and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. It is often assumed that a predisposition to a disease is genetically coded and passed down from generation to generation.

As for the nature of these diseases (cardiovascular, excretory, etc.), scientists believe that the predisposition to them is related to mechanisms independent of genetic mutation.

It can be assumed that a significant part of the “genetic predisposition” to certain chronic diseases is related to modifications of genetics, which results from the fact that already in the 20th century, several generations of people have been constantly exposed to man-made toxic substances that enter the body in the form of food, water and oxygen. Over the decades, the foundations have been laid for the reasons why the number of children, teenagers and young adults with diabetes has risen sharply in recent years. It may seem that there is no escape from the situation in which a significant part of the population of developed countries has placed itself. Fortunately, this is not the case. A living organism is such a smart system that, in order to reduce the constant pressure of pathogenic factors, it finds ways to adjust and adjust its unbalanced mechanisms and compensate for lost functions.

Nutrition is an important vital function of the body, but it also creates the greatest pressure from the external environment on the body’s immune system. This is the reason why about 70% of the tissues of the immune system are located at the border between the digestive system and the circulatory system.

Proper selection of food that does not cause digestive problems and unwanted immune reactions with overproduction of ballast antibodies leads to an immediate positive effect in the treatment of metabolic diseases and certain hormonal disorders. A significant decrease in circulating and cell-surface-attached antibodies allows for an increase in tissue sensitivity to insulin and other hormones, improves their transport through the cell membrane, and allows tissues to get rid of excess fluid and toxic bioactive elements.
According to the ROLE™ statistics, almost all patients with type 2 diabetes have a significant reduction in blood sugar levels. 86% of patients have a weight loss of more than 10%. Since tissue sensitivity to hormones has improved, hormone doses can be reduced or completely eliminated during replacement therapy. After a decrease in nutritional pressure, the liver functions better, which significantly affects biochemical indicators.

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