
Migraines, depression, memory disorders, insomnia, attention deficit disorder ADD / ADHD and hyperactivity in adults and children, chronic fatigue syndrome.

Migraine is a neurological disease characterized by episodic or regular painful attacks on one (rarely both) side of the head. These intense throbbing pains are thought to be of vascular origin. Migraine attacks are not associated with fluctuations in arterial and intracranial pressure.

The pain worsens in the presence of any irritating substances (noise, light, smell). A typical swing lasts from half an hour to several hours. Severe migraine attacks that last for several days are called status migraine.

Factors such as stress, nerve and muscle tension, hormonal influences (contraceptives, menstrual cycle), sleep (excessive or insufficient), and weather conditions (changes in weather or climate) are thought to stimulate the onset of a migraine attack. Also, the nutritional origin of migraine has always been shown. Products rich in biogenic amines (cheese, chocolate, beer, red wine, etc.) are often responsible for migraines.

Patients often discover these foods that stimulate the onset of a migraine attack. After eliminating these foods, they successfully avoid migraines.

It has already been proven that most migraines are caused by delayed food allergies. The list of problematic foods is much longer than the list of suspect foods. Accurately identifying problem foods with RoClinic™ and eliminating those foods from the diet that trigger the formation of immune complexes and their deposition in vascular tissue, causing inflammation, is the most effective treatment method. Complete disappearance of symptoms was observed in 84% of migraine patients.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) is a neurological disorder that begins in childhood but often continues into adulthood. These patients show differences in attention concentration and self-control, they often act hyperactively or impulsively, have great difficulties in personal relationships and do not adapt well in society.

This syndrome and its treatment is very controversial and there are many disagreements. Some believe that it does not exist at all, while others believe that the condition has physiological and genetic causes. Many people do not agree to take psychiatric medication to treat ADD/ADHD, seeing it as inhumane.

In the US, 1 in 10 students have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and have received psychiatric treatment.

Scientists from the United States, Germany and the Netherlands have hypothesized that 80% of the origin of the disease is related to genetic factors. Three genes are thought to be responsible – one dopamine carrying gene and two dopamine receptor genes. The researchers suggest that the genetic origin of the syndrome appears in conjunction with environmental influences that can accentuate or weaken it. It is also necessary to specify the importance of the influence of the most important factor of the environment – the nutrition factor – especially in children.

In recent years, there have been many studies showing a link between the syndrome and certain food intolerances.

The right food chosen on the basis of the ROLE™ program, together with the elimination of problematic products with the help of a test, helps to get rid of ADD /ADHD symptoms forever.

These are the same conclusions that studies of autism in children have reached – the extent of disorders across the autistic spectrum may be due to food intolerances to one or more foods in a child’s diet, including proteins from cow’s milk. A combination of two or more food antagonists can cause more severe disorders. These foods can include almost all of a child’s diet. Developmental issues such as ADD/ADHD and autism spectrum disorders occur at a very young age. It is very important not to miss the active period of brain formation. During this period, it is important for the child to develop cognitive functions and social interaction patterns so that the child can successfully enter an independent life.

Chronic exhaustion is a condition in which the immune system is so tolerant that it renders a person defenseless against chronically recurring viruses, yeast microorganisms, disease-causing bacteria and parasites that a healthy human immune system would normally cope with. The first symptoms of this condition are a constant feeling of fatigue that does not go away after rest, drowsiness, depression, apathy, headache, muscle and joint pain without swelling and fever (fibromyalgia), sleep disturbances, memory loss and concentration problems. Many authors have pointed out that all these symptoms accurately describe hypoxia – insufficient oxygen in the tissues. These signs of hypoxia can persist for years, even when respiratory function is in good condition. Even constant exposure to fresh air does not solve the situation. Severe oxygen losses, comparable to those caused by high workloads, occur as a result of active immune responses occurring in the bloodstream in chronically latent food intolerances. The situation worsens the immune system.

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