Urogenital, Reproductive

Urogenital, zymotic or non-zymotic inflammatory diseases are closely related to the state of the immune system.

As already mentioned (immunological symptoms), often recurring diseases resistant to antibiotics and antiviral treatment, such as herpes, molluscum contagiosum, ulcers (candidiasis) and other fungal diseases, as well as common skin and mucous membrane infections, are a sign of weakened immunity and intestinal, genital damage to the bacterial balance of mucous membranes and skin. Usually, treatment of these infections without a proper diet will produce unsustainable and temporary results.

One disease of a non-zymotic nature is urocystitis. It has long been known that this form of cystitis is not of zymotic origin and cannot be treated with antibiotics. This disease is characterized by a particularly sharp pain symptom and frequent painful need to urinate, which negatively affects the patient’s quality of life. This disease, which was relatively rare in the past, is well known to specialists because these patients are particularly difficult to treat.

Along with the ineffective antibacterial treatment of this disease, aggressive fluids were injected into the bladder, as well as cauterization of the inflamed mucosa and even surgical intervention. Statistics of recent years show that the incidence of this disease has increased significantly in certain developed countries. Attempts to explain the nature of this disease with social factors or psychosomatic disorders have not yielded results, and anti-stress treatment has proven to be ineffective. When examining the tissues, inflammation of all layers of the bladder wall and expansion of the intercellular space were observed, which causes increased irritation of sensitive nerve endings by acidic urine. Currently, there is a lot of evidence for an autoimmune etiology of urocystitis. Studies have shown the role of immune reactions, which leads to the formation and deposition of immune complexes in the bladder tissues, which causes inflammatory reactions and damage to the protective layer of the mucosa. Experience shows a direct link between urocystitis and hidden food intolerance. After eliminating the foods responsible for the immune reactions from the diet, a strong remission can be expected within 1-2 weeks. With the RoClinic™ program, patients can gain control of their symptoms, and in many cases, all symptoms can disappear forever.

Chronic reproductive problems are often a direct result of immune system disorders.

Spontaneous miscarriage is one of the main problems nowadays. Currently, the statistical frequency of miscarriage is between 10 and 25 percent. Spontaneous miscarriage is spontaneous termination of pregnancy during the first 37 weeks. According to specialists, one of the main reasons for this is the presence of extragenital pathologies: diabetes, arterial hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, bronchial asthma, kidney disease (pyelonephritis) and hormonal imbalances. Obesity is a disease characterized by excessive accumulation of lipids in the body. Disorders associated with deposition include reproductive hormone imbalances. 30-60% of women of reproductive age are overweight and 25-27% are obese. In women of reproductive age, obesity is one of the main causes of spontaneous abortion and infertility.

It is known that reproductive problems usually occur in women with a visceral type of adipose tissue distribution, which results in other manifestations of metabolic syndrome.

When restoring reproductive health, the main goal of treatment is the normalization of metabolic disorders, since medical stimulation of ovulation in the case of obesity does not give positive results. Metabolic therapy is most effective in the early stages of the disease, before cystic changes in the ovaries appear. A decrease in body weight leads to the recovery of reproductive function.

Usually, patients undergoing treatment for infertility follow all instructions very closely, including dietary recommendations. Rational nutrition, which takes into account such individual indicators as body weight and physical activity, does not always give the desired results. In many cases, the cause of obesity is a hidden food intolerance or type III food allergy. Based on the individual recommendations of the RoClinic™ program developed on the basis of RoClinic™ data, it is possible to significantly reduce fat tissue in a short time without health risks and side effects. The program does not involve starvation and does not cause the loss of muscle tissue and the body’s healthy resources.

After pregnancy, the program helps prevent gestosis. During pregnancy and lactation, it is especially important to get rid of circulating food antibodies, which can reach the fetus through the placenta and then through milk into the child’s bloodstream, exerting pressure on the immune system and stimulating the development of allergic reactions.

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