Hidden food intolerance test
and individual nutrition program

What does the RoClinic program include?


The patient registers for the blood test via email or phone. RoClinic patients have the opportunity to communicate with a nutritionist before the test to get answers to all their questions.

Blood sample

A blood sample can be given at the clinic. Capillary blood (from a finger) is used for analysis. RoClinic uses DBS (Dry Blood Spot) technology for blood collection, which allows blood samples to be stored and transported if necessary. This allows the patient to take a blood sample at home and send it to the clinic by mail. The patient receives all the necessary instructions for taking a blood sample in advance.

Getting a blood test

You will be informed about the results of the analyzes after 3 weeks. The RoClinic program includes a consultation that can be carried out at the clinic or online.

Nutritionist support

Work with the patient takes place within 3 months. You will keep the nutritionist’s contacts. If necessary, you can turn to him with your questions. During the program, you will receive help in changing your diet and making food choices.

For inflammatory diseases caused by food intolerance
RoClinic, a leader in diagnostics and prophylaxis.

We do everything to make food your delicious medicine!

About the ROLE™ program

1. The ROLE program has been developed for the diagnosis and prophylaxis of chronic diseases caused by latent food intolerance in humans.

Hidden food intolerance doing the analysis

2. A patented methodology is used to perform the analysis, which allows to correctly identify hidden food intolerance in 100% of cases.

Individual nutrition program drafting

3. An individual nutrition program is developed based on a hidden food intolerance test.

What is hidden food intolerance?

Hidden food intolerance is a slow type of reaction to food.

Food intolerance affects the immune system and can lead to the development of chronic diseases such as obesity, irritable bowel syndrome and other gastrointestinal diseases, chronic fatigue, migraines, headaches, eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

Laboratory analysis

RoClinic helps its patients get rid of various symptoms of chronic diseases caused by food hypersensitivity.

Nutrition program

It is based on RoClinic’s patented laboratory analysis, which helps to identify food intolerance to 111 and 135 foods.

How can customers take their own blood at home?

Patient experiences

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The whole family seems to have received a new spirit after I joined RoClinic. I made repairs at home myself, changed the wallpaper, painted. Everything is like new. Our health is so good that even a cold does not bother us. Like everyone else. Unbelievably, even the skin of the face has been given a new life. Little Marissa, who was always stunted in growth, has started to thrive with our new diet. I entered school in the fall. I've wanted it for a long time, but I haven't found the strength yet. Now I'm developing. I am grateful beyond words that you gave me back my energy and put the wind in the sails of my joy of life. Of course, I still have a long way to go, but the main thing, I won't give up, is how well I feel, how much will and energy I have. It would be unspeakably foolish to give it up. The weight number has stopped again, it seems that it drops in cycles, it's okay, at least it doesn't rise 😉 Dear Role and Dr.Dzidra, thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me the way. Beyond truth is just a matter of character. Fortunately, I have it.
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The Role clinic is very professional and everyone does their job with heart. The doctor who gave me feedback, we talked for almost 2 hours and went through all the foods that are suitable and which are not suitable. In those two hours, I still understood how healthy eating works, and I was even sent recipes on how to manage in the future. I think that the biggest thing that characterizes the Role clinic as a whole is the benevolent service. It can be seen that you are cared for:) You are doing a good thing and I recommend it to everyone
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In November 2017, I decided to participate in the RoClinic Program because I often felt tired after eating and sometimes even felt unwell, while my weight was also more than expected. I chose RoClinic precisely because my father had also been here many years ago and had undergone a major transformation. After the blood test, I found out the results a few weeks later, and I was introduced to a new diet plan, which was put together based on foods that fit me. The surprise was big at first, but after a few moments it was also understandable, because several everyday foods were just the ones that didn't suit me (for example potatoes, bananas, coffee and cheese). However, the new diet plan was very versatile and creative, allowing me to make many different dishes on a daily basis, while sticking to foods that suit me. I started my plan on January 1st weighing 86.1kg that day. The beginning was difficult, but after weighing myself a week later, I gained a lot of motivation - the weight had dropped by 2.3 kg. The feeling of well-being had also improved considerably. The following weeks I lost 1.5-2 kg per week, and by the end of the fifth week I had gained weight to 78.2. I had lost 8 kilos in a little over a month. The feeling was powerful! I continued to follow the plan even after the fifth week, but of course you have to "reward" yourself with other foods sometimes so that you don't get bored. I highly recommend the program!
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I'm 35 years old and I've basically had bad skin my whole life. I am at the lower end of normal weight and I think I ate a varied diet, exercised a lot and creamed with pharmacy products. I have also been to dermatologists and underwent various treatments, but the so-called "pubescent" skin returned again and again after a while. As a last resort, I went to RoClinic on a recommendation for problematic skin. As a result of the blood test, I found out that I should not consume many foods at all or should significantly limit them. I approached the new diet with all seriousness, because the desire to get rid of the problem or find out its causes was very strong. Already after 3 weeks of the diet, I felt the first changes. Here is my feedback. The diet has lasted for 3 weeks: In my opinion, I have done well overall, although I have to admit that it has not been easy at all. Also, I have not been able to follow the avoidance of all forbidden foods. Yes, but there are 3 areas that I have 100% avoided. These are all dairy products (including casein, milk protein, etc.), wheat and sugar. In three weeks, the body weight has dropped -2kg. (weight loss is not really my desire or goal).
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I had been struggling with a very painful skin disease and flatulence for a long time. I never thought that a complete change in diet could change the way I look and feel so drastically. The experience in itself was very exciting - I could try many different recipes and I am more aware of what can actually be inside one package. I am grateful for what RoClinic is doing.

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The Role clinic is very professional and everyone does their job with heart.

The doctor who gave me feedback, we talked for almost 2 hours and went through all the foods that are suitable and which are not suitable.

In those two hours, I still understood how healthy eating works, and I was even sent recipes on how to manage in the future.

I think that the biggest thing that characterizes the Role clinic as a whole is the benevolent service. It can be seen that you are cared for:) You are doing a good thing and I recommend it to everyone.


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