The RoClinic™ program has nothing in common with a blood type diet. As a first step in understanding the individual nature of nutrition, blood type nutrition divides people into only four types. Today’s nation is made up of many ethnicities, each with its own genetic characteristics, including a dominant blood type, history, and dietary culture developed over centuries. But each individual person still has their own individual enzymes, product-antagonists, immune responses, and their own set of chronic diseases. Currently, the problem of nutritional adaptation is being solved much more precisely at the individual level. The RoClinic™ program is an individual nutritional adjustment program that takes into account not only the most subtle individual differences, but also the most subtle and minor changes in the same individual during this most individualized program.
There is no point in doing a nutritional test on an infant. During breastfeeding, the mother’s antibodies act in the child and can be the cause of the pathological reactions that occur. In this case, the mother’s diet must be tested and corrected. Therefore, we recommend that the mother communicate with our consultant for nutritional guidance. Correcting the mother’s diet gives results within 3-4 weeks.
Our method has been used in Europe for almost two decades. In the United States, the method has been collecting success stories since 2007. Our patient population is constantly growing. The program is recommended to our new clients primarily based on the results of our previous clients. For more information, check out,, and
The RoClinic™ program looks at each patient individually with their own nutritional and mineral structure. Our method is significantly different from all other diets and nutrition programs, as the main criteria for food selection take into account the reactions of the immune system before and after the elimination diet. The calorie content and ingredients of foods are also important, but they are criteria of secondary importance.
If you are overweight, your problem is probably due to dehydration and poor distribution of fluids in the tissues. This part of the excess weight usually disappears quickly within the first 2-3 weeks. In some cases, the weight can drop by 9-13 kilos (in people who are very overweight). After 1.5-2 months, your weight will begin to drop slowly and intermittently.
The main difference between our service and laboratories is single and repeated testing and specific processing of results, which makes it possible to precisely define the products-antagonists that cause the manifestations of hidden food intolerance. The RoClinic™ program includes dynamic program monitoring and patient support throughout the program. The RoClinic™ program includes single and double tests and constant dietary adjustments throughout the recovery period. All this allows us to achieve a high level of positive and long-term results with an efficiency of 86%-95% based on average types of pathology.
We do everything to make food your delicious medicine! Hidden food intolerance test and individual nutrition program.
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