Hidden Food Intolerance Test and Individual Nutrition Program

What is hidden food intolerance?

Hidden food intolerance is a delayed food sensitivity to the foods you eat every day.

Food intolerance increases over time weighing down your immune system and putting you at risk of developing serious chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis and many others.

The effectiveness of the ROLE ™ elimination diet in the prevention of non-infectious chronic diseases exceeds 85%.

Laboratory analysis

At RoClinic, we help our clients get rid of a variety of chronic diseases and symptoms caused by food hypersensitivity.

Nutrition program

Our approach is based on a patented laboratory analysis used to develop a personalized nutrition program for each client.

Ro-Clinic is a leader in the diagnosis and prevention of inflammatory diseases due to food intolerance

We make every effort to make food a delicious medicine for you!

 What is the the ROLE™ program?


The Role™ Program is designed to identify and eliminate food intolerance in individuals.



The Program was developed by a team of scientists and physicians in Europe over 12 years ago and is based on years of scientific research and clinical observations of tens of thousands of patients.



Our unique program is highly effective as a primary means of prevention and management of a myriad of health conditions related to food intolerance.


How it works?

The ROLE ™ program consists of a hidden food intolerance test and an individual nutrition program. Our service includes:

1. First consultation

2. Blood sample

Our lab uses Dried Blood Spot sampling. A small blood sample can be safely taken easily with your finger. It will then be sent for processing to our licensed partner’s lab. With your consent, a complete collection kit with instructions will be shipped to your home or office.

3. Creating a nutrition program

For years, we have developed software that allows us to interpret laboratory results and determine the food choices that cause abnormal reactions in your immune system. In most cases, the elimination of these defined foods, together with careful adherence to the guidelines, will resolve the symptoms of the chronic condition and lead to an overall improvement in health.

4. Support

During the first three months of your elimination diet, our consultant will be your personal mentor and will assist you in adapting to your new lifestyle. We are available to solve any problem, answer your questions and help you make health-conscious choices. This may include shopping* and recipes related to your new dietary restrictions.

5. Repeat the test

After four months on the elimination diet, you have the opportunity to have a second blood test. During this time, we can compare your results before and after the ROLE ™ program and make necessary corrections or exceptions that pave the way for a healthy life.

The ROLE™ Program

Is not a diet

The ROLE™ Program is not a temporary diet.

Calories are not counted

The ROLE ™ is not about calories counting or standard nutrient restrictions.

There is no hunger

In addition the program does not provide for starvation or standard limits on the amount and time of food consumption.

The benefits of the ROLE™ Program

Individualized testing.

A healthy eating plan developed just for you.

Personal consultations with clinically trained consultants and nutritionists.

Extensive telephone and email support.

Make an appointment

The first consultation is free. Make a note of your doctor’s consultation and ask any questions you may have. Our experts talk about every step of the ROLE program and answer your questions.
Please fill out the form below or call us to make an appointment.

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