
More about the method

At RoClinic we use the patented IgG method for hidden food intolerance diagnostics (ElisaTest)

Modern ROLE™ ELISA-based [13] technologies allow for an accurate detection of exactly which products cause the immune system to produce an excessive amount of antibodies. Your own blood will let you know what your immune system is in conflict with. The methods for evaluating results and crafting an individualized, unburdening nutrition program have been validated by tens of thousands of our patients from all around Europe.

Ideal food digestion consists in the breaking down of complex organic molecules into the smallest and simplest parts, for example: proteins into amino acids, complex carbohydrates into monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, galactose, etc.); lipids into fatty acids, and so on. These processes occur in strictly defined areas of the digestive system and in the presence of special precise conditions (concentration and type of enzymes and digestive fluids as well as acidity, temperature, types of microscopic flora, etc.). In equally strictly defined areas, absorption of each of the components takes place. Ideally, these minute components travel through the membrane of the small intestine or the ventricle into the capillary tubes and into the bloodstream and from there get distributed to the cells, where they take part in the normal metabolic functions of a healthy organism.

Even the undamaged membranes of the digestive system have a certain degree of selective permeability for certain large indigestible connections. This is how, for example, the hormones and antibodies from the mother, as well as vitamins (large organic molecules) and other important life-activity related elements, get to the infant’s blood unaffected through the milk.

There are normal mechanisms of active transportation through special channels (receptors) of large undigested parts through an undamaged membrane. Just like any other biological mechanisms they can generate malfunctions, especially given the pathological conditions of ineffective digestion.

For various reasons, genetic or environmental, the digestive-system-to-bloodstream, breaking-down and transportation processes may be flawed. The genetically determined enzyme makeup plays an important role as well as its state, activity, correspondence to the diet, the condition of the intestinal membrane, the degree of its permeability and the inflammatory (zymotic, parasitic, etc) diseases that follow. All of these reasons may create the conditions for the partial permeation of indigested food and, therefore, admit large organic molecules, and even micro particles of food products, into the bloodstream. In addition, with the disruption of the most important function, providing the organism with energy and feeding material in a form acceptable for metabolism, the main rule of the stability of the biological system is violated – the rule of “genetic inviolacy of interior space”. This means that, having kept enthetic genetic molecular constructions, parts of plants and animals improperly permeate the internal environment, the bloodstream. This process is under the very strict control of the immune system. Precisely for that purpose, 70% of all immune system tissue is located around the border of the alimentary tube in the form of lymph nodes, amygdala, peyeriana, Kuppfer cells and a myriad of moving and non-moving protective cells, scattered throughout the tissues of the digestive system. This is a most tensional border between the inviolable unique environment of the organism’s system and the aggressive external world.

Particles improperly entering the bloodstream, having retained pieces of the protein chain from the original, unique structure, are recognized by the immune system as enthetic biological material. Needless to say, they do not have any nutritional value. Digestion that was not completed in the intestines can never be completed in the bloodstream. There will be another process going on in the bloodstream – the process of recognition, elimination and expulsion of enthetic waste from the bloodstream. The immune system is entirely responsible for this process. This involves unjustifiably large expenditures of energy, the formation of a large number of food antibodies circulating in the blood, and significant losses of oxygen from the blood. This process overstrains the immune system with a pointless struggle; it also overstrains the emunctory systems and forces them to maintain inflammations in their own tissue, where these particles settle in the form of immunocomplexes (enthetic particle and the antibody that captured it).

However, the bigger portion of the indigested food remains in the bowel lumen, and, while moving downward, triggers more pathological processes, such as fermentation, putrefaction, osmotic diarrhea, and the florescence of the pathological strains of microbes, infections and simple microorganisms.

Digestion is one of the most important life-sustaining functions. Nutritional impact is the main influence of the environment on the organism and a key factor in the organism’s adaptation to the environment. The processes of digestion and immune defense from food products are very complex. The illnesses having to do with the digestive system are very diverse from both pathophysiological and clinical perspectives. Symptoms of chronic illnesses, having food-related causes, may not seem to have anything in common with digestion and have systemic characteristics. Food intolerance may be caused by a diverse number of mechanisms – sensitization to food allergens, food supplements, additives to food products, and the presence of concomitant pathologies; enzymic inefficiency, leading to the failure of digestion and absorption processes. Clinically, food intolerance and allergies can be manifested in the form of simultaneous damage to a variety of organs and systems. Allergic reactions, forming in response to immune system overstrain, can have varying characteristics – from immediate threat to life (anaphylaxis), to reactions of a delayed type, which do not seem to have anything to do with food.

In medical practice, the role of proper digestion and food portion tolerance in the emergence of chronic diseases is underestimated to this day. However, that is the reason for the sharp and rapid changes in structure and prevalence of a variety of chronic illnesses, which the previous generations did not suffer from to such a degree and at such early ages as our society currently is. The nutrition-related environment of the Homo sapiens species has changed significantly in a short period of time.

The diversity of food products available to residents of big cities and developed countries has strongly increased in the past 50-70 years, as the increase of relative quantity of products with foreign origins, and especially ready meals with complex compositions and a high degree of production processing takes its toll on the population in the form of higher disease and death rates. Outwardly, that toll is hard to notice, since it was compensated for by medical advancements, but is noticeable in an analysis of the shift in the specificity of illnesses in the inhabitants of big cities for the last 100 years. While infectious and other abruptly proceeding illnesses were prevalent in the 20th century, towards the end of the century, chronic illnesses have taken the lead. In many of the patients, chronic illnesses are complicated by dispositions to neuroses and depressive states for no apparent reason. The number of people, suffering from allergies, continues to increase rapidly. Compared to the previous decade, the amount of incidences of allergies has increased by 30-40 percent, and in some countries classic allergic symptoms are manifested in nearly half of the population. According to the prediction of the World Health Organization (WHO), allergic diseases in 2010 will be the most common of disease patterns in developed countries.

Until recently, very few physicians attributed excess weight to clinically significant pathologies. Now, with the increasing number of overweight people in several countries being noticed, the correlation between excess weight and devastating chronic diseases is also being noticed. The regular induction of immune reactions in neutrophils, in the opinion of specialists, can have negative effects on the emunctory function of the kidneys and can lead to water hemostasis and the build-up of excess water in the organism, deposited into the compensatorily enlarging adipose tissue.

In economically advanced countries, in more than 30% of the adult population, and in 50% of older age groups, body mass significantly exceeds the norm, and the tendency is toward increase.

The majority of current patients suffer from chronic diseases, and usually from illnesses that have a simultaneous affect on several physiological systems. Often, classifying their illnesses as a certain type, for example as cardiovascular pathology, or as diabetes, only reflects a complex of more prominent symptoms, when, in reality, the mutual influence of several pathological manifestations on one another is actually taking place, significantly complicating the diagnostic process. There is a view that such change in the characteristics of illness in the last 10 years is triggered by “medical advancements”, such as increases in the average lifespan and the ability deal with a series of particularly severe situations. However, medical research indicates a firm “rejuvenation” of many illnesses that were previously thought to only affect older age groups.

Therefore, the epidemic of zymotic illnesses, which used to affect populations of cities in overcrowded places, has been replaced by an epidemic of chronic illnesses affecting the same exact groups. What kind of hypotheses can explain such a change? The most probable hypothesis has been proposed by a group of doctors and scientists, which associates the progress of chronic illnesses with the diverse and plentiful diet of populations of “the world city,” where the probability of coming across food products triggering individual intolerance is sharply increased.

According to this hypothesis, the chronic illnesses described above, having multiple manifestations (hypertension, diabetes, coronary disease, autoimmune diseases), emerge as a consequence of slowly developing allergies, due to the consumption of a certain foods or food products which cause intolerance in precisely that individual. Unlike regular food allergies, here the effect is manifested not in prominent and immediate symptoms, but in smoldering development of a chronic illness with multiple manifestations. This difference from regular allergies does not allow for an immediate detection of which particular food product is dangerous. The more diverse the diet, the higher is the risk of not noticing on the packaging and endless listings of ingredients those products that are the sources of the problem. Obvious allergic reactions will be easily detected by a family physician or an allergist. A gastroenterologist will help in sorting out the symptoms of indigestion. However, the patients, suffering from hidden food intolerance (delayed, Type-III allergy), usually spend years on symptomatic treatment with the help of various specialists, not directed at eliminating the very reason for the problem. Standard allergy tests, designed to detect Group E antibodies (IgE) that are responsible for immediate reactions, are not sufficient. They reflect other types of reactions and have different purposes – to identify and eliminate the immediate allergens. In order to eliminate the reason for the illness, having to do with food intolerance (delayed allergies), a complex investigation of all types of immunological reactions is needed, and, based on the data obtained, an individualized diet needs to be created.

Therefore, we are witnesses of and participants in a rigorously developing branch of medicine – ecological rehabilitation, the most important component of which is the adaptation of each and every individual to their nutritional environment. Precisely this constitutes the shift from drastic medicine to preventative medicine.



During recent years, new scientific insights have emerged on the origin of chronic illnesses [1]. It turns out that the health of a modern individual can be damaged not just by the consumption of junk food, but even by a strict selection of exclusively high-quality, enviro-safe organic foods. This unexpected fact is connected to an occurrence that has eluded the field of vision of scientists and practicing physicians. This is the occurrence of hidden food intolerance or the delayed allergic reaction to food products [2]. Practicing allergists have not had a chance to explore this particular problem yet. However, the scientists who have been exploring the phenomenon of hidden food intolerance for a long time maintain that that 60 to 80 percent of the populations of economically advanced countries are susceptible to it. The extent of this is unexpectedly wide and alarming. The problem lies in the fact that individual food intolerance is usually left undetected because the individual often does not notice a connection between his chronic illness and the constant consumption of food products that are problematic for him, especially since most of those products are widely thought of as being healthy. The phenomenon of hidden food intolerance has expanded to the point of a truly global scope, manifesting itself in the diseases of the civilization that have only appeared in the last 2-3 decades. This is only a reflection of a more common social phenomenon, which can be described as a consequence of the revolutionary change of the people from natural foods to the modern, high-technology, multi-component, modern food.

A human being, as a product of evolutionary development, has came into conflict with a primary law of survival of species. The speed of change of one of the primary survival factors – the nutritional factor – significantly exceeds the capacities of the adaptation mechanisms of the Homo sapiens species. This means that the problem is not only of social significance, but goes deeper than that in terms of having biological character.. Is our biology changing through revolutionary methods? There are two scenarios of development of that case: the first one is the realistic one – “God will interfere”, the other one is mythical – “the healthcare system will be able to solve the situation”.

The physiological structure of a modern individual has formed over the centuries. The last qualitatively revolutionary jump in human development was acquiring the skill of using fire for food preparation. In the last 500 thousand years of consumption of food prepared with the help of the fire, the human being has constantly undergoing mutations, since the diet has significantly expanded and new chemicals have been introduced into the organism. The carriers of “unsuccessful mutations” have died off throughout the process of natural selection. As a result, beneficial changes have occurred in the biochemical structure of the organism, and more specifically in the digestive mechanism. That “revolution,” as a whole, has positively affected the development and the increase and migration of populations of human beings on the planet. During recent centuries, the human race has learned additional methods of food processing, which include fermentation, pickling and attenuation, used in winemaking and cheese-making alike. This expansion of the natural and chemical nutritional environments has occurred gradually and, therefore, harmlessly for the human population. In the last two thousand years, and until the middle of the last century, practically nothing has changed in the human nutrition. However, with the beginning of the present epoch, characterized by constant nutritional implementation of chemicals that have no equivalents in nature, adaptation mechanism can no longer provide for a painless shift to the new conditions of this nutrition. The law of species preservation holds only for those biological forms that are fast to reproduce, and therefore fast to undergo mutations and adapt. Microorganisms are flourishing. They are capable of adapting to new chemicals with the same speed as the chemicals are introduced into their environments. They continue to hold the lead against us in the race for new vaccines and antibiotics. New types of infections no one has ever heard of are emerging and antibiotic-resistant strains are multiplying.

The simplest microorganisms produce the same amount of offspring in one day as humanity produces in a century.

For the past 2-3 generations, modern humanity has entered a phase of mutation and natural selection at the species level that will continue in spite of all of the efforts of society. The adaptation capacity of civilized humanity to their nutritional environment has been violated. [3]

Following is an observable summary of the deepening process of disadaptation:

  • Previously unknown types of illnesses have appeared and are becoming more frequent among both humans and animals
  • Cancer morbidity is increasing
  • The number of genetic anomalies and diseases is increasing, and as a result, so are the number of people ill from birth
  • The number of genetic anomalies and diseases is increasing, and as a result, so are the number of people ill from birth
  • Life expectancy is decreasing in subsequent generations in comparison to previous ones
  • Reproductive capability is decreasing with every new generation
  • The percent of illnesses having to do with delayed adaptation to new food products is increasing

In the United States today:

15 % of the population suffers from gluten intolerance (gluten from wheat and several other grains)

75 % of the adult population suffers from intolerance to the components of cow milk

35 % the population suffers from cane sugar intolerance

21% of the population suffers from egg

47% of the population suffers from yeast intolerance (pastry products, beer, vinegar, feta cheese, wine [4-9])

This list can be extended (the situation in other developed countries is not less alarming)

Unfortunately, few people are aware of their problems being triggered by hidden food intolerance.

Bacterial composition of intestinal flora is closely related to the structure of nutrition. In recent generations, this has significantly changed, and this negatively impacts immunoresistance. Our microscopic cohabitants have become less harmless than before and are no longer the same saprophytes we have been adapting to for centuries. Food eaten by a modern American is more likely to allow intestinal fungi to flourish over healthy bacteria (the situation in other developed countries is not less alarming).

The speed of the industrial influence of nutrition industry on nutrition has significantly exceeded the adaptation capabilities of the human immune system. High-production technologies of processing, storage and purification of food products significantly alters their natural structure, turning natural products into “technological goods” with new antigenic characteristics and chemical components [10]. Thousands of various combinations of products are being offered that were previously unknown. If our great grandparents were to walk into a modern American grocery store, which has over 40,000 products with different names and dozens of ingredients, they would find no more than ten familiar products, being unable to differentiate the rest as being edible for them. Inability of the organism to properly digest such a complicated diet leads to mass absorption of partially undigested, and, therefore, foreign, substances into the bloodstream. The immune system is forced to constantly react to that strain by producing massive amounts of useless food-related antibodies. This leads to overstrain and weakening of the immune system and to a buildup of hard-to-discharge materials.

The intake of food into the organism, to which its system has not been adapted for centuries, results in the violation of the balance in metabolic activity and energy exchange and to the overstrain of discharge systems and, as a consequence, to the development of a whole set of various chronic illnesses.

This constant immune conflict does not allow for the effective protection of the organism from infections. The system is occupied with a useless, however, burdensome battle with food. This is precisely why modern methods of treatment have turned out to be powerless against food intolerance, since a traditional “pharmacological” approach to prevention and treatment of chronic illnesses does not work for a nonstandard, classical medicine situation. Despite all the achievements of modern science and the enormous funds apportioned to healthcare in the United States and other developed countries, an increase in the number of “diseases of civilization” is being noticed [11]. Diseases like obesity and diabetes and cardiovascular, oncologic, neurological, allergic, and autoimmune diseases are among the most common. Symptoms of improper digestion exist in 26% percent of the US population, and 41% of the population of the UK. According to medical statistics, in the US, 45% of overweight people suffer from hypertonic illnesses, 85% from diabetes and 35% from coronary disease. In economically advanced countries, 30% of the adult population and 50% of the older population have a body mass that significantly exceeds the norm, and there is a tendency for this to increase. The tendency for obesity, as one of the kinds of chronic illnesses, has reached a global scope for humanity.

How do individual adaptation systems not become overstrained; how can the burden of hidden “food intolerance” be recognized and mitigated? How are we to adapt to a new nutritional environment? How are we to spare the immune system from overstrain and live a long, healthy life? How are we to know our own personal, genetically-programmed, nutritional individuality in order to learn correct ways of choosing and preparing food? How are we to properly feed our loved ones? How are we to maintain our immunoresistance in order to stand up to the everchanging and aggressive bacterial world? All this requires an understanding of the problem and the will to solve it.

If you have been suffering for a long time and cannot solve your problems with the help of medicine, these problems most likely have to do with hidden food intolerance.

Incomplete food digestion leads to significant, ineffective losses in blood oxygen and energy, to violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora, and to overstrain of the discharge systems of the kidneys and liver. The manifestations are incredibly diverse [12].

Food intake is such an important, life-generating function of the organism, that its violation can be manifested in hundreds of different symptoms and throughout different stages of your life. After identification and elimination of food products which constitute the source of the problem, all the manifestations generally go away without special treatment and your resistance to strains and external factors, including infections, drastically increases.

It is impossible to stop the advancement of civilization, but it is possible to adapt to the new conditions with minimal personal sacrifice. The only sacrifices that will need to be made are of habits. That is not easy. We cannot change a modern supermarket, or suddenly change food production, but we can decrease the risk, or completely avoid any conflict with modern conventional food which damages our own personal health.


1. Voeykov, V.L., Rosenthal V. M. “Methods of individual nutrition selection”,. Russian Journal of gastroenterology, hepatology, coloproctology. 2001; v.Х1, №4, pp.155 – 162.

2. Jonathon Brostoff MD, Linda Gamlin “The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance: Prevention, Identification, and Treatment of Common Illnesses and Allergies Caused by Food”; Crown Publishers Inc. NY; 1989

3. YorkTest Laboratories Reveal. “The UK’s Top Ten Intolerant Foods – Two Out Of Three Brits Are Intolerant To Cow’s Milk And Eggs”; Medical News Today; 05 August, 2008

4. Zimmet, P. and James, P. T. 2006, “The unstoppable Australian obesity and diabetes juggernaut: What should politicians do?” , Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 185, pp. 187–8.

5. Jan, S. and Mooney, G. H. 2006, “Childhood obesity, values and the market”, International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, vol. 1, pp. 131–2.

6. Policy Forum: A Multidisciplinary View of Obesity ; The Australian Economic Review, vol. 41, no.1, pp. 67-104

7. Crawford, D. and Jeffery, R. W. 2005, “Obesity Prevention and Public Health” , Oxford University Press, Oxford.

8. World Health Organization 2007, “The Challenge of Obesity in the WHO European Region and the Strategies for Response” , WHO.

9. Moodie, R., Swinburn, B., Richardson, J. and Somaini, B. 2006, “Childhood obesity—A sign of commercial success, but a market obesity in an Australian population” , Obesity, vol. 15, pp. 1908–12.

10. Gordon W.Fuller ., “Food, Consumers, and the Food Industry. Catastrophe or Opportunity? “ 2001, CRC Press, p. 295

11. Mokdad, A. H., Serdula, M. K., Dietz, W. H.,Bowman, B. A.,Marks, J. S. and Koplan, J. P. 1999, “The spread of the obesity epidemic in the United States, 1991–199”, JAMA, vol. 282, pp. 1519–22.

12. Janice M. Vickerstaff Joneja; “Digestion, diet, and disease: irritable bowel syndrome and gastrointestinal function” ; 2004, p.393

13. Rozenshteyn A; Rozenshteyn M. Volkov A.; “Method of Analysis, Detection and Correction of Food Intolerance in Humans” , Patent Int App., WO 2009/035529 A1, Priority 7/10/2007 ; USA pended